my life SMS Messages151 messages

Most Superior example of love in my life .

"When apples are 4 & we are 5
Then my mother
Says, "i dont like apples."

(Bu Ali Seena)
My Eyes – Miss U

My Feelings – Loves U

My Mind – Calls U

my life Is U

I’ll Die Widout U

I love U

“Aisa Tumhari Girl Friend Mujhe Bholti Hai.”
SambhaaLoo Us ko..... :P
If luvin" was aginst the law,
and kissin" was a crime,
i would gladly spend my life with u,
in prison doin" time.
If luvin'' was aginst the law,
and kissin'' was a crime,
i would gladly spend my life with u,
in prison doin'' time.
come on my love and make me feel your self
just come on babe u have burnt a flame of love
in my heart i am still burning in that,
if some one can quench my thrust in the desert of sorrows
it''s only you whenever i feel about you there comes tears
in my eyes and heart sighs u wouldn''t live without me,
come on my love ,just come on in my life for once..
if i could bring back memories i would bring the first day
i kissed you i look you in the eyes and felt love.
thanks god an angel came into my life!
I love two things,
a rose and you.
A rose for a short while,
but you the rest of my life
Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I''ll be loving you every single day of my life.
I know nothing lasts 4ever,
& may be we went 2 alawys stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
convinces me that memories of u &
me will last 4 the rest of my life..
Beyond 4ever.
If some one did ask me what life meant to me?
Then I would sit next to U,
Pull you close two me,
Put my arms around U and say proudly,
“This is my life
I Love You

These Three Simple Easy Words Hold my life..
Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I''ll be loving you every single day of my life. :)