I love two things

I love two things
I love two things,
a rose and you.
A rose for a short while,
but you the rest of my life

Jun, 14 2010     92 chars (1 sms)     2358 views       Love

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I am standing alone in the crowd,
Surrounded by people & music so loud.
My loneliness vanishes in a while,
As I think of U & Ur lovely smile.
When We 1st Met We Were 2 People Who Loved Each Other
Now We Are 1 Person 2 Lives Intextricably Entwined
And Held By LOVE
Most Touchin Lines Said

By A True Lover 2 Her

Luv While Break Up:

"Out Of All Ur Lies U

Said 2 Me,

I LUV U Was My Favorite''''
If I had the letters "HRT",
I can add "EA" to get a "HEART"
or a "U" and get "HURT".
But I''d rather choose "U" and get "HURT" than have a "HEART" without "U".
Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion
that each include the other,
each is enriched by the other.
How do you spell love?... when you reach the point where the happiness, security, and development of another person is as much of a driving force to you as your own happiness, security, and development, then you have a mature love. True love is spelled G-I-V-E. It is not based on what you can get, but rooted in what you can give to the other person.
I Have A Heart And Its True,
But Now Its Gone From Me To You.
So Care For It,
Just Like I Do,
Because I Have No Heart
And You Have Two…
I have liked many,
but love very few,
yet no one has been,
as sweet as you,
i am the stand and
wait world''s longest que,
just for the pleasure,
of a moment with you.
Be CareFul To Whom U Give Ur Heart Coz When U Give Ur Heart To Someone U r Not Only Giving The Right To Love U But Also The Power To Hurt U . .
LovE is Not HoW LonG U''ve BeeN 2gEthEr;
nOt HoW MucH U''ve GIvEn oR RecEivE;
Not hOw MaNy TimEs U''ve HeLpEd EaCh OthEr
--- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...
Heart is like a bottle of perfume.
If u never open it nobody knows the fragrance inside it..
If u keep it always open
soon u will loose ur fragrance.
So act wisely.
True, We Luv Lyf Not Bcoz V r Used To Living


Bcoz V r Used To Luving

Dere''s Alwayz Sum Madness In Luv


There''z Also Some Reasons In Madness... [: