If You Cant Get

If You Cant Get
If You Cant Get

Someone Off

Your Mind They

Are Probably

Supposed To Be There..

Jun, 12 2010     91 chars (1 sms)     2322 views       Love

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cannot be expressed in words.

It is bigger than the universe,

Deeper than the ocean,

innocent than a newborn baby and more dangerous than war!!
To love is to enjoy seeing, touching, and sensing with all the senses, as closely as possible, a lovable object which loves in return.
When you love someone truly,
you don’t look for faults,
you don’t look for answers,
you don’t look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults
overlook the excuses
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.

hum wafa kay aadi hum har dum wafaa karin gey

Bun kar faqeer teri zindagi ki dua karin gey
When You Have

Nothing Left But Love,

Then For The First Time

You Become Aware

That Love Is Enough.
Is iT PoSsIbLe FoR tHe RoSe To SaY “I’lL GiVe mY fRaGnAnCe To ThE GoOd PpL wHo SmELl Me, BuT I’lL wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”
iS It PosSiBlE fOr ThE LaMp To SaY “I’lL GiVe My LiGhT tO ThE GoOd PpL In ThIs RoOm, BuT I’Ll WiThHoLd It fRoM thE EvIl PpL?”
CaN A TrEe SaY, “I’lL GiVe My ShAdE tO tHe GoOd PpL wHo ReSt UnDeR mE, bUt I’Ll wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”

ThESe ArE iMaGeS Of wHaT lOve Is AbOuT
We Love
Ourself even
after doing
many misTaKeS,
Then How
can we hate
other 4 their
only one MisTakE,
So think. . . .
U hate Someone.,.,!
Woh chalte chalte itne door chale gaye,
Hamein rokna bhi na aaya.
Hamne unka naam liya phir bhi,
Shayad unhein sunna na aaya.
Carry Me Away From This Dark And Lonely Room
Light Me In Your Arms All I Want To Know Is You
Chase Away The Darkness With Everything U Are
I Will Find My Strength In The Beat Of Your Heart
"Long after moments of closeness have passed, a part of you remains with me and warms the places your hands have touched and hastens my heart for your return."
A Special Smile

A Special Face

A Special Some One I Cant Replace

I Love You & I Alwayz Will

You Have Filled A Space

No One Can Fill