morni SMS Messages564 messages

Friends r lyk mornings,

u may share with dem

only a few hours of d day.

But u knw dat they will

always b there tomorrow,

the next day and the day after,

When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you.... Why should only i suffer!!!
Life can b hard,

nt always fun.

Night brings darkness

and morning brings sun.

Wn life seems tough

n nobdy seems to care,

Dil se Karna yaad,

I''ll b there.
Suppose One morning
You Never Wake-up
Do All You Friends Know
You Love Them ??
Sometimes I LOVE YOU
Can Heal & Bless
So Tell Your Friends This
3 Little Words & See
What It Can Do ...
So Just In-case I Die
Tonight ..

Early In Da morning Sun Rise With May Hopse But Its Set With Hopelessly.

All Da Flowers Were Bloom This Evening With Pleasant Smell

But Its Now Wither Awfully N Tonight All The Stars Came Out To Play A Signal

But All Of Them Are Not Shining,

Cos All They Nows My Friend Is Sick

Wish U A Cure Soon

And Healthy Days Ahead.
Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green
from the youthful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset
hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have
framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you..........
Stealing the blue from the splashing seas,
A tinge of green from the youthful trees,
A bit of orange from the sunset hues,
With crystal white from the morning dews,
I have framed a bright and colourful wish
Just for you...............[your wish].
However d Yestrday
Sunny Or Stormy Or

Life Begins Each

Each morniNG
Is d Open Door 2
A New World
New Vistas
New Aims
New Trying :)
This morning I Got A Call From Heaven,

They Said They Were Missing An Angel...

But Don''t Worry,

I Won''t Tell Them U R Here...

Good Evning..
When you wake up
in the morning
You have two choices-
Go back to sleep
and dream your dreams,
or wake up and chase those dream !!!!
A Sailor Ws Stuck In An Island

Whr He Ws D Only Survivor.

He Made A Hut4his Sheltr.Day N Nite,

He Ws Prayin N Waitin4sum1 To Rescue Him

Bt No1came.He Stored Food In D Hut 4 his Survival,

Bt1day,D Hut Burned2ashes N Nothing

Ws Left Of It.He Ws So Angry,

He Said,"God,

Y Hav U Done Dis2me?!

"D Next morning,Rescuers Came.

He Askd "Hw Did U Know Dat I Ws Hre?"

They Replied,"V Saw A Smoke Signal!"

Trust God Whn Misfortune Happens,

His Plans R Always Greater Than Ours.
Even Though, I Clutch
My Blanket n Growl
When The Alarm Rings
Thank You ALLAH, That
I Can Hear
There Are Many
Who Are Deaf ...

Even Though I Keep My
Eyes Closed Against
The morning Light As
Long As Possible
Thank You ALLAH
That I Can See
Many Are Blind

Even Though, I Huddle In
My Bed n Put Off
Thank You ALLAH
That I''ve The Strenght
To Rise
There Are Many
Who Are Bedridden

Thanks ALLAH For
Blessings ...