miss SMS Messages707 messages

If I Hadn''t Met U

I Wouldn''t Like U

If I Didn''t Like U

I Wouldn''t Love U

If I Didn''t Love U

I Wouldn''t miss U


I Did

I Do


I Will...
At Age Of 3 V Started Study
Wid Tear & Age 23 V Will Finish Study
Wid Tear.

1st Tear Was Water & 2nd Wud B

Fear Of missing

Dear Ones Forever
missED CALL Means -

"E"Ffecti Ve

"L"Ove &
(My Case)

Symptoms :
"Feeling Lonely,
Miserable & Sad"



"Broken Heart"

"missed U"

"Keep In Touch" ... (=
The Best



Then U
miss HIM/HER
If U
miss HIM/HER

Dat Means

Ur ''HEART'' ... (:
There Was An Headcount
Of Angels In Heaven
Pandemonium Strucked
Discovering That
An Angel Is missing
Plz Call Heaven
Tell ''Em You''re Safe With Me... :)
To realize the value of 1 week,
ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of 1 hour,
ask the lovers who''re waiting to meet.

To realize the value of 1 min,
ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of 1 sec,
ask a person who just avoided an accident.

Treasure every moment that you have!

Yestrday is history,
Tomorw is mystry,
Today is gift, that''s why it''s called Present..

Have a nice day today & always..
Time Doesn''t Wait For
U or Me
Days Pass n Years Pass
U miss Ur Best Ones
U Move Away From Ur
Close Ones
Ur Life Changes
Frnds Change
Ppl Change
Ur Heart Has Those
Precious Moments
Etched In It
Wether U Want It
Ot Not
Its Always There
Making U Happy At Sad
Times n Making U Sad
Even At Happier Times
Ur Heart Has Those
Moments In Tht Corner
Where No One Can See
What It Is
So Enjoy Every Moment
Of Life

Have A Beautiful Life (:
Whats Sweeter:
Sms Or miss Call.

Ans: miss Call,
Becoz It Shows Someone Is Terribly
missing U That He Or She Is Wordless
To Say Or Write.
"I.Like .You"
"My.Small.S.M .S"
The smallest gestures
that go right to the
Heart ...

A Smile from a
stranger when U r
lost in crowd

An old friend calling
from distant land
just 2 say ''I miss U''

The touch of mother''s
hand on Ur forehead
when U r unable 2

Friend asking U Wh8z
wrong U thought
no one noticed

A hand on Ur shoulder
when it feels like the
world is against U

An unexpected, but
badly needed Hug from
the 1 U love the most

I Pray
U Get All These
When U Need ... (:
U''ll knw th8 U miss sum1 vry mch
whn evrytym U think of th8 person.
Ur Heart breaks into peices & juz a quick "Hello"
4m th8 prson can bring
d broken pieces back