mind SMS Messages373 messages

Always welcome a new day with a Smile on Ur Lips,Love in Ur
Heart & Good Thoughts in Ur mind....And Ull always have a
WoNderFuL DaY..GoOd MoRnInG...
A Relaxed mind,A peaceful soul,A joyful spirit,A healthy body,
& a heart full of love... All these are my prayers for U have
a Good Day...
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone
in your hand,Inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart,
And a clear signal all day long. Good Morning & Nice day!
Mornings are reminders that God loves you!
You"re not just given another day to enjoy,
but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday.
Have A Nice DAY!!!
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone
in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart,
and a clear signal all day long. Nice day!
Mornin is God''s way of sayin ''''One more time! Live life...
make a difference''
touch 1 heart,
encourage 1 mind n
inspire 1 soul,
Have a blessed day.
Good morning...
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you are riding through the ruts, don''t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, jealousy, and mischief. Don''t bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality. Wake up and live

GoOd MoRnIng
Morning are reminders that Allah loves you.
You are not just given another day to enjoy,
a chance to right the wrong of yesterday...!!
Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Is Not Eye Filled With Tears.

Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Brings Fresh And Soothing Air.

Travelling Down The Memory Lane

Is A Test Of Time And mind

Travelling Down The Memory Lane
Is A Joy Of It''s Kind

LiFe SuRrOuNdZ
eNgUlFz Us ...

CaPtUrEd As A pIcTuRe PeRfEcT oBjEcT...

rEmindiNg Us EaCh DaY ...

tO eMbRaCe OuR eXiStAnCe ...

GuD mOrNiNg ... (=
For years I kept a sign in my room that helped me maintain the right perspective concerning yesterday.
It simply said..
Ended Last Night..”
It reminded me that no matter how badly I might have failed in the past, it’s done, n today is a new day to make things better.
gud morning!
M-ake the most of it.
O-pen your heart and mind.
R-emember to thank God.
N-ever frown
I-magine me
N-othing to worry.
G-ood Morning!