mind SMS Messages373 messages

Think Everday When U Wake Up . . .

Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed. . .
|. . . A Luv|y ThOuGhT . . .|

A Man Was Asked: "What Does LOVE Mean To U. . . ?"
1st Thought Came In His mind Was. . . :
"LOVE Doesn''t Mean Anything. . . LOVE Is EvErYtHinG. . "

Be what u r,

say what u feel

and do what u want.

Bcoz in frndship,

Those who mind,don''t matter

and Those who matter,don''t mind
All Beautiful things start frm Heart

All Bad things start from mind "

Never let the mind rule ur Heart...

Let the Heart rule your Life...
~~~~~~tOdAy''Z tHoGhOuT~~~~~~
*You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind,
*you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart,
and i am always a bad shooter
because I Miss You Always...
|-- A SoU|Fu|| Th0uGhT --|
"If U Begin The Day Wid Luv In Ur Heart,
Peace In Ur Nerves & Truth In Ur mind.
U Not Only Benifit By Their Presence
But Also Bring Them To Others...
To Ur Family & Frends & To All
Whose Destiny Draws Across Ur Path That Day.... "
\= ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT =/

I believe everything happens for a reason. If something happens that I don''t necessarily agree with or I''m unhappy with, I''ll just remind myself to stay positive and trust that things will happen the way they should.
\ = = = A lUvLy ThOuGhT = = = /

To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind.
To be kind is more important than to be right.
Often people need a patient heart that listens.
Not a brilliant mind that speaks.
Victory isn''t a dream, it isn''t imaginative ¬ impossible to achieve. Its just d state of mind.
If U have a mindset to win, U can''t loose
Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.
Quiet minds Cannot Be Perplexed Or Frightened
But Go On In Fortune Or Misfortune At Their
Own Private Pace,

Like A Clock During A