letter SMS Messages108 messages

Aren''t U Glad That
GOD''s Hotline Doen''t Have A Recording
Tht Says
"The Number U Dialed Is Temporarily Unavailable
Plz Try Ur Call letter"
U Can Call On Him Anytime . . .
How much can sum1 care?

A man suffring frm brain tumor died.

His wife opned his cupboard

n found sum tablets wid a letter

"take them dear.

U catch cold easily when u cry."
English Wonder

These Words Have Something In Common...
Banana, Dresser, Grammar, Potato, Revive, Uneven

Could U identify ?

In each of the words listed,
Move 1st letter to the end of the word and read backwards.
It spells the same... (:->
Today when I signed online,
I was happy and pleased to see.
That in my incoming mail,
Was a letter from you to me.
I love the mails you send me
And all of the giggles too!
But the biggest thrill of all,
Was seeing it came from you.
Now we don''t talk that much
So letters and cards say it all.
But I want you to know they''re special
No matter how big or small.
So keep the e-mail coming
I love it ever so much.
And know its really appreciated,
Whenever you keep in touch!
Miss U
We have 26 letterS in English.
But before 1947, we had only 24 letters.

Do u know y ?

Bcoz ''U'' and ''I'' were not born at tat time... ;->
Wats college life?

It consists of so many first experiences in life..

1st freedom

1st cell

1st night out

1st crush

1st girlfriend/boy friend

1st breakup

1st project

1st call/letter

1st feeling of responsibility

1st of so many

& finaly d last of bye

2 all loving frnds


2 stay frnds FOREVER!
7colours make RAINBOW.

7chords make MUSIC.

7days make a WEEK.

7continents make the WORLD

and The

7beautiful letters make "FRIENDS"
A friendship can weather most things and
thrive in thin soil but it needs a little
mulch of letters and phone calls and small
silly presents every so often just to save it
from drying out completely
Definition of a true friend...

MY medicine when i m in pain..
MY letter when i m very far ...
my smile when i m sad..
MY hanky when i cry..
and ....

MY last one more breath when i DIE.....

this is what i define a s a friend..!!
7 Is A Great Number.

U Knw Why?

7 Colurs Make Rainbow!

7 Swar Make Music!

7 Days Make Week!

7 Round Make Life Partner

& Most Precious Thing,

7 letters Make "Friends"
My Friend Should Be

My Medicine - When I''m In Pain

My letter - When I''m Far

My Smile - When I''m Sad

My Handkerchief - When I Cry


My Life - When I Die ...

an 8 letter word

exhausts u

irritates u

& sometimes demoralizes u.

But it gives u

the elegant reward of life time

called "SUCCESS"