good SMS Messages1058 messages

World Suffers a Lot

Not because of Violence of Bad People,


Only Because of Silence of good People.
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Golden times of our life wont return back forever...

But the good relation and the golden memories will stay in the heart forever....;->
good better best
dont take rest
good becomes better
better becomes best

Work hard when
others take Rest

Success will be ur
World Suffers a Lot

Not because of Violence of Bad People,


Only Because of Silence of good People.
=/// TodAyZ ThoUghT ///=

Golden times of our life wont return back forever...

But the good relation and the golden memories will stay in the heart forever....;->
good better best
dont take rest
good becomes better
better becomes best

Work hard when
others take Rest

Success will be ur
It''s not good for all of our wishes
to be fulfilled. Through sickness,
we recognize the value of health;
through evil, the value of good;
through hunger, the value of food;
through exertion, the value of rest.
Every Lady Hopes That Her Daughter

Will Marry A Better Man Than She Did

And Is Convinced That Her Son Will

Never Find A Wife

As good As His Father Did !!!
// T o D a Y z
T h O u G h T //

A good Friend Never Allows You To Do Stupid Things...

good things comes to those who WAIT...
Better things come to those who TRY...
Best things come to those who BELIEVE...
in their EFFORTS....
|| tOdAyzZz tHoUgHt ||

If your success is not on your own terms,

If it looks good to the world


Does not feel good in your heart,

It is not success at all.

If you want flash your bad memories then you have just flash you good memories first