good SMS Messages1058 messages

Greatness Isn''t Found In

Possessions ... Power ...
Position Or Prestige ...

It''s Discovered In

goodness ... Humility ...
Service & Character ...
Success Without Honor Is An

Unseasoned Dish ...

It Will Satisfy Your Hunger


It Won''t Taste good ...
A good Way To Change Somebody''s Attitude ...

Is To Change Ur Own ...


The Same Sun Hardens The Clay

Also Melts The Butter ... =)
The Mediocre Teacher Tells.

The good Teacher Explains.

The Superior Teacher Strates.

The Great Teacher Inspires.
The good News

Is That

The Bad New Can Be

In To

good News
When You Change Your

-- "ATTITUDE" --
How Can u Have
"Charisma" ? ? ?

Be More Concerned
About Making Others
Feel good About Themselves


You Are Making Them
Feel good About You ...
Life Is A Book Of Mystry ..

U Never Know When Page Will Bring A good Twist In the Story

Keep On Reading Cox Happiness Comes When

It Is Most Unexpected ...
good Things Come To Those
Who Wait

Better Things Come To Those
Who Try

Best Things Come To Those
Who Believed

Desired Things Come To Those
Who Pray ...
good , Better , Best

Never Let It Rest

Till Your good Is Better


Your Better Is Best ....
"The Unfortunate Thing About

This World Is That The

good Habits

Are Much Easier To Give Up

Than The Bad Ones"
A BiG pOt FuLl Of
cAn Be EmPtIeD By
A sMaLl HoLe ...
A lItTlE aNgEr Or EgO
WiLl BuRn Up
AlL tHe NoBiLiTy Of A
good hEaRt ...

StAy CoOl n CaLm ... (=
FoR good oR iLl ,
YoUr CoNvErSaTiOn Is
YoUr AdVeRtIsEmEnT ...
EvErY tImE yOu OpEn
YoUr MoUtH
yOu LeT tHe PeOpLe
LoOk InTo YoUr MiNd ...