good morn SMS Messages323 messages

A New Day Beginning Is Perhapes d Best Time 2 Say
It''s So Nice To Know U
Here''s Wishing Our Friendship
Continues 2 Grow In Every Dayz To Come

good morning ...
I Juzz Luv When
Morning Gets Here ...


I Can Send A Cute Morning
Greeting To Mt Cutest Friend

What A Lovely Way To Start My Day

good morning ...(=
Laugh Ur Heart Out
Dance In d Rain
Cherish The Memories
Ignore d Pain
Love n Learn
Forget n Forgive
Remeber U''ve Only 1 Lyf To Live

good mornig .. :)
The Best Breakfast Ever Is The One

That Feeds Both The Body And Soul;

Commence Ur Day With PRAYER

And Have A Very Wonderful Breakfast

With GOD. good morning!
NoW tHe NeW dAy hAs JuzZz sTaRteD

LeT it bE ThE BeSt OnE yEt

FuLl Of HoPe, SucCeSs aNd GlAdNeSs

LeaVe NoThIng To rEgRet

good mornIng ... :)
ThIs wArm
good morning”
iS sEnt tO LeaVe
a SMILE on ur Face,
Drop ur BLues Even
4 Just a wHiLe and
2 wIsh u hapPiNess
More Than WorDs
Can Say..

God bless!:-)
Celebrate The Happiness That

Friendz Are Alwayz Giving

Make Everyday A Holiday


Celebrate Just Living ...

good morning
Have A Blessed Day ... :)
A New Morning
a New Sun
A New Day
A New Smile
Says To You
Forget All The Worries
All The Sorrow
For Someone
Who Wants To See You Always Happy

good mornInG ... =)
Smile For The Ones You Love...
A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy...
Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes ...
A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything ...
Leave The Best Of Us Speechless ...

good mornInG ... (:
T h E
b E s T
w A y
t O
M a K e
y o U r
D r E a M s
T r U e
I z
T o
W a K e u P ,

good morniNg ... :)
"Moving On Is Simple,

It''s What You Leave

Behind That

Makes It So Difficult"

good morning:)
good morning Friend,

Have A Nice Day!

Be Cool When You Need

To Take A Very Tough Decision In
Your Life...