fear SMS Messages121 messages

Of All The Wonders I Yet Have Known

It Baffles Me That Mem Shud fear Death

Knowing That Death Is Invitable


Must Come When It Must Come

~ William Shakespeare ~
Of All The Wonders I Yet Have Known

It Baffles Me That Mem Shud fear Death

Knowing That Death Is Invitable


Must Come When It Must Come

~ William Shakespeare ~
// T o D a Y z
T h O u G H t //

Men of Genius

Men of Wealth

Men of Power

But Only

Men of Character
Never think of the past it bring you tears... if u think of
the future it brings fears.. so live in the present & have
fun.... Good Morning
In life, if you are intelligent, you are admired.
If you are prominent, you are envied.
If you are powerful, you are feared.
But if you are blessed with a good heart, you are remembered.
God bless!
Today wrap a rainbow of Joy in ur heart,

let d sun paint a Smile on ur face,

remove all clouds of doubt n fears

n may u simply have a Beautiful day!!

Bright Beautiful Dawn

Sing a Song rhythmic and long

Fly away all the fears of heart

Yours is the world

Just Make a start

Destination is Just a "Determination" Apart

Good Morning . . . :)
March On
Do Not Tarry.
To Go Forward Is To Move Toward Perfection
March On
fear Not The Throns
Sharp Stone''s On Life''s Path

GuD mOrNiNg ^_^
Too Many Of

Us Are Not

Living On Our


Because We Are

Living On Our


Good Morning...

Have Nice Day
DoN''t SpOiL tHiS dAy
By ThE rEgrEt oF
ThE fear oF
JuSt KiVe ThE bEsT
lEaVe tHe ReSt ...

GoOd MoRnInG
HvE a RoCkInG dAy \oo/
Nite Is Desinged
2 End d Worries & fears
Of d Day
It Signifies 2 Leave It All
To GOD & Prepare 4
Another Day To Come

Hve A Peaceful Nite
A Blessed 2morrow
Dear O Dear, ur not near
but i can hear
dont get fear
Ur memories r here
liv wid cheer
no mere tear
and ur mine forever!