fear SMS Messages121 messages


I never felt a love
Like this before
It''s a love like no other
Something I have always hoped for

A love with friendship
Humour and heart
A bond so strong
It would never part

A love that makes you smile
From ear to ear
A love that is joyful
Without any fear

A love that is beautiful
From the inside out
A love with no tears,
Pain, or doubt

A love with soul
So tender and true
A love that I have found
Only in you...
It is Love
that gives me purpose
to change and grow and learn.
It is Love that guides me on this path
and helps me choose each turn.

It is Love
that gives me courage
to stand against my fears;
to open up my heart to you,
to let you see my tears.

It is Love
that gives me trust and hope
when little thing go wrong.
When distance stands between us,
it is Love that keeps me strong.

It is Love
that offers harmony
and a friendship that is true.
How wonderful that I can share
a Love like this with you... ;->
~Tough Time Don''t Last~

I said
"Sometimes I fail"
HE said
"I''ll see you through"
I said
"But what if I fall?"
HE said
"I''ll carry you"

I said
"My fears r gr8"
HE said
"Trust me alone"
I said
"But I''m depressed"
HE said
"I''ll cheer you on"

I said
"Life isn''t easy"
HE said
"Please, let Me help.
Remember, I love you"
I said
"GOD, I accepted" ...
What’s fear ?

fear Is The Deep Wrencthing Feeling In Your Stomach

When Pages Of Ur Book Still Smell New


Just Few Hours Left For Ur Examz ;->
when u r sad.........i will try ur tears
when u r scared.........i will confort ur fears
when u r worried........i will give u hope
when u r confused.......i will give u cope
and when u r lost.......and cant see the light
i shall be ur beacon.....shining ever so bright
this is my oath........i pledge tillthe end
why u may ask?........because u r my friend
F” is for Fun That friends share when they are


”R” is for Reliability A true friend is someone that you can

rely on.

”I” is for Interest Someone who is genuinely interested in

your fears, joys, and life.

”E” is for Energy They pick you up when you are down,

and give
you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.

”N” is for Nothing Nothing is ever too much, no matter

what time
it is, night or day.

”D” is for Distance Although the miles may separate you, a

friend is never far away.

”S” is for Secrets Your feelings and personal/private

that you can only share with a friend.
A True Friend Knows Your Weaknesses But Shows You Your Strengths; Feels Your fears But Fortifies Your Faith; Sees Your Anxieties But Frees Your Spirit; Recognizes Your Disabilities But Emphasizes Your Possibilities.
What Is The Difference

If Love Has fear
Friendship Has Care ...

If Love Breaks
Friendship Breaks
Hate ...

If Love Gives Tears
Friendship Gives
Support ...

If Love Makes
Friendship Makes
Cooperative ...

If Love Ends On Hate
Friendship Ends On
Love ...

If Love Is For Always
Friendship Is Forever ... :)
Life Starts INTENSE



Love Starts With fear


Ends With TEARS


Friendship Starts

Will Always Remain
~D e d i c a t e d~

I find my hands full of Friends
I want to hold ''em tight as I fear losing ''em,
Then I laugh,
When I realize that they are the ones holding me....
Thanks for being there for me...=)
Halloween Wraps fear In Innocence,

As Though It Were A Slightly Sour Sweet.

Let Terror,

Then, Be Turned Into A Treat…
" The Free Man Is He Who Does Not

fear To Go The End Of His Thought "

HaPpY iNdEpEnDeNcE dAY