dere SMS Messages66 messages


" If U Want 2 Get
Destination So Work Hard
Without Caring
Hot Days Of Summer
Cold Nights Of Winter
If Time Pass Then
dere Will Be Only
Repentance "
dere''s litle difrnce in
ppl, but tht litle
difrnce makes a big
the lile difrnce is
The big difrnce is
wethr it is "Positive"
Or "Negative"
dere''s A Luxury In
Whn V Blame
V Feel Dath No One Else
Has A Rite 2 Blame Us.
Its d Confession, Not
The Priest, Dat Gives
Us Absoluti
4 d singles:

dere r things u''d luv 2 hear 4m d person u like

bt dnt get 2 hear tht.Bt dnt b so deaf

as nt 2 hear it 4m d 1 who says it 4m his heart.
"I wished for nothing beyond her smile, and to walk with her thus, hand in hand, along a sun-warmed, flower-bordered path."
True, We Luv Lyf Not Bcoz V r Used To Living


Bcoz V r Used To Luving

dere''s Alwayz Sum Madness In Luv


There''z Also Some Reasons In Madness... [:
They don''t LUV dat
don''t show their LUV
d course of TRUE LUV
ever did run smooth
LUV is a familiar
LUV is a devil
dere''s no DEVIL ANGEL
bt LUV ... =]

Never underestimate the amazing power of love to change hearts and mindsets. Love can even give fresh inspiration to tackle what seems to be impossible.
Starting Frm Here

Lets Make A Promise

U & ME

Let Just B Honest

V Gonna Run
Nothing Can Stop Us

Even The Night Fall
So Around Us

My Love 4 U
Always 4ever


U & ME

All Else Is Nothing

Not Gonna Back
Not Gonna Back dere

They Don''t Understand

They Don''t Understand Us

They Not Gonna Get Us ...
LUV is whn
dere r a million thngs U wana say 2 sum1
Whn dey luk U in eyes n hold U in arms nthng in lyf ma8ers othr thn being wid th8 prsn @ th8 momnt
Boy was following a Girl.

GIRL-why r u folowin me?

BOY -you r very pretty n I think I''m in Love wid u!

GIRL-but u havnt met my frend yet.. she is prettier than me n is rite behind u.

BOY luks-dere''s no 1...

GIRL-if u realy loved me u wudnt hav lukd behind... ;->

MORAL- True Love is rare... :)
You may miss me.
You May Ignore Me.
You May Even 4get Me
Bt 1Day If U
Want To C Me, Dont Search Anywhere
Jst Watch Ur Shadow
I Will B dere..