choos SMS Messages77 messages

*Best Buddies*
are hard to find..
So Today I choose to thank u 4 evrytime U made me smile, laugh,
4 evrytime U helped,
wiped a tear
I apologize 4 any inconvenience I caused,
4 evrytime I was rude,
4 anything that hurt U..
Thank U for being a great part of My Small Life :)
Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend,
white for peace, orange 4 luck,black for hate,
red for love and pink for likeness,So i choose for
u Orange Flower.Wish u goodluck
Meaning of some colors,
Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend, white for peace,
orange 4 luck,black for hate, red for love and pink for likeness,So i
choose for u Orange Flower.Wish u goodluck
You can choose to be happy or
sad and whichever you choose
that is what you get.
No one is really responsible
to make someone else happy,
no matter what most people have
been taught and accept as true.
choose to love
rather than hate

choose to smile
rather than frown

choose to build
rather than destroy

choose to persevere
rather than quit

choose to praise
rather than gossip

choose to heal
rather than wound

choose to give
rather than take

choose to act
rather than delay

choose to forgive
rather than curse

choose to pray
rather than despair . . .
Gratitude is an essential component of a life that''s filled with joy
and meaning and richness. Whenever, wherever you choose gratitude, it
always makes life better.
Life Is All About A Card Game ...

choosing The Right Card

Is Not In Our Hand ...


Playing Well With

The Cards In Hand

Determines Our Success ...
Life Is All About A Card Game ...

choosing The Right Card

Is Not In Our Hand ...


Playing Well With

The Cards In Hand

Determines Our Success ...
DREAM - More

THINK - High

choosE - Best


PLAN - Perfect

BE - Confident

WORK - Hard



Never Speak
Out Of Anger ,

Never Act
Out Of Fear ,

Never choose
From Impatience ,

But Wait


Peace Will
Appear ... Never Speak
Out Of Anger ,

Never Act
Out Of Fear ,

Never choose
From Impatience ,

But Wait


Peace Will
Appear ...
Many of life''s
circumstances r
cre8ed by 3 basic
choices ..

1. The disciplines U
choose to keep
2. The ppl U choose to
be with
3. The laws U choose
to obey (:
Udass kyon kharey ho sham ki tarha

Wah Wah Wah

Udass kyon kharey ho sham ki tarha

Aao mera LUND chooso AAM ki tarha

"Happy MANGO season"