broken heart SMS Messages23 messages

Loving 100
Wrong persons
may not even
AFFECT ur life.
But hating 1 right person
Will leave U a broken heart
A friend is...
A tissue when you can''t stop crying
A shoulder when you feel like dying
Always listens when you have something
to say a week when you just need a day
A crutch when you have a broken heart
Some glue when everything falls apart
A sun when the rain just won''t stop
Your Mom when you run into a cop
phone call when you can''t leave your
Hand when you feel all alone
Wing if you want to fly
Understands without knowing why
An earfor a secret to tell
An aspirin when you feel unwell
A love that can never let go
I cherish those moments of our
frienship I shared with You...
Light, Love, and Laughter...

A friend is light,
bright enough to conquer
the darkness of broken heart,
bringing sunshine to the soul,
making the whole world seem bright and hopeful.

A friend is love,
a special blessing from above,
bringing warmth to a heart grown cold,
making life a grand and exciting adventure.

A friend is laughter,
a gift of joy,
leaving behind a smile
and erasing all traces of woe,
making everything seem shiny and new.
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone,
make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart,
cuz broken hearts has never spare parts
Luving 100 Wrong Persons May Not Even Affect Your Life,

But Hating 1 Right Person All Leave U A broken heart Throuhout uR Life

Think Abt iT ..
When Love Is Lost,
Don''t Bow Ur Head In
Instead Keep Ur Head
Up High
Faze @ The Stars,
For That''s Where
Ur broken heart
Has been Sent To
Heal ... (:
I know i''m not a perfect friend,
You''re broken heart, i''ve tried to mend.
Instead i made you hurt and cry,
Maybe i should say goodbye.
Would it be better for me to go?,
I asked you, and you said "No".
Why say no when i hurt you so bad,
But believe me,
you''re not the only one that''s sad.
I made my best friend hurt like mad,
If i left would you be glad?.
Deep in my heart,
I''ll always know,
I''ll love you always,
Even if i go!
A broken heart is like a borken mirror.
It is better to leave it broken
than hurt yourself trying to fix it
Giving away a heart can hurt, having a broken heart can be life-threatening-even to
the strongest. But receiving 1 is the greatest gift...
Lovely thought from a broken heart:-

I need a candle 2 search dreams
wich were inside me,

But i need darkness 2 melt her memories..
Why Does A Man Wid broken heart Doesnt Need ''''GENERAL KNOWLEDGE'''' ?


Jab Dil Hii Toot Gaya Tou ''''G . K'''' Kia Karenge . . . ;->