believe SMS Messages154 messages

Value the people who value you most,

Forget about the people who do not care about you.

believe me, they are not worth having you.
A friend is someone
who understands your past,
believes in your future,
and accepts you just the way you are.
When a Guy does Something
Girl : You broke my Favorite
Lamp !!!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't
mean to..!! Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/
When a Girl does Something
Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!!
Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/
When a Guy does Something Wrong...

Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp !!!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/

When a Girl does Something Wrong...

Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :/ :/ :/
Four candles were talking to each other

1st-"I am PEACE, no one needs me" & it went off..
2nd-"I am FAITH, nobody believes in me" & it went off..
3rd-"I am LOVE, nobody cares for me" & it went off..
4th-"I can light the other three because I am HOPE & I last forever!"

Life is tough, sometimes impossible to live.. but never lose hope.
I wish that your candle of HOPE lights all your other candles and keep them glowing.
Stay Blessed :)
thinks the scariest people of all are

those who believe their own lies...
Hope is a rope that swings us through life
always believe that 2day is better than yesterday

Good morning...

'If you are facing too many failures in your life, believe this, God is training you for a huge victory! ? ?'
Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P
Fun…………That friends share when they are together.
Reliability….A true friend is someone that you can always rely on.
Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in u,ur fears, joys, and life.
Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time it is, night or day.
Distance…….Although the miles may separate you, a true friend is never far away.
Secrets……..Your feelings and personal/private thoughts that you can only share with a friend.
Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.
Inseparable….Through good times and bad, tears and laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
Perfect……..The friendship
Best line written in front of Mosque in New York,,,,,,
Always believe in GOD, because there are some questions in grave that cannot be answered by Google........
A Man Came Home Late At Night After A Party. His Wife Yelled: "How Would You Feel If You Don't See Me For Two Days?" The Man Couldnt believe His Luck: 'That Would Be Great'! Monday Passed And He Didnt See Her...... Tuesday And Wednesday Passed Too..... On Thursday His Swelling Became Better And Now He Could See Her From The Corner Of One Eye... =P
Life is too short. So, follow some rules: Forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & never avoid anything that makes U smile...