Wind SMS Messages118 messages

Hi moon!
dim your light

hello Wind!
gentle breeze

Hello Earth!
gently turn

Because my friend is going to sleep.
Look outside its so romantic…
The cloud is hugging you,
With a cold Wind,
The star singing for you,
The moon dancing for you,
Because i invite them all to wish you,
Good Night, Have a lovely Dreams and Sleep Well.
See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B'coz last night
I told them to wish U GooD Morning.
Sardar Wrote BILL GATES
Abt PCS & WindOWS Problmz

1- My Child Learnd
MS WORD Nw He Wants

2 – Find Only RE-CYCLE
I Need It, As I Owe A
Vespa Scooter

3 – I See MS OFFICE But I
Need MS HOME, As I Use
PC At Home

4 – Finaly, Howz Dat
Ur Name Is GATES But
U r Selling WindOWS … ;->
A 24 year old boy seeing out 4rm train's Window shouted.

Dad, look the trees r going behin!

Dad smiled nd a young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24 year old's childish behavior with pity.
suddenly he again exclaimed

"dad look the clouds r running with us!"
the couple couldn't resist and said to the old man.
"why don't you take ur son to a good Doctor??"
the old man smiled and said "I did nd we are just coming 4rm hospital. my son was blind 4rm birth he just got his eyes today"

MOral: Every single person on the planet has a story' don't judge people be4 u know them. the truth might surprise u.
I sent my cares to the Wind,
And ask the Wind to pass them to u,
When u feel the Wind blowing towards ur face that’s me,
Saying take care.
life has no reWinds, and no forwards, it unfolds at its own pace
so neva miss a chance to LIVE today,
and make a BEAUTIFUL story for tomorrow
One fine day,all of us wil get busy with our lives,long working hours,friends and sms,won''t have time for ourselves,at such a day you''ll look outside your
Window and see the good old memories flash you by and you''ll get a smile with a tear in your eyes and you''ll turn back to your work thinkin i wish i could go
back.. thank u for being a part of such memories
Lyf Is Lyk A Vu Frm The Window ..
U Can''t Change The Window
Even If U Dont Lk It
But U Can Change The Way U Look At It
Then U''ll See How Beautifull Lyf Is ....

Life is like having a cup of coffee...

You sit by the Window,
lift the cup,
take a careless sip,
and find no sugar..

Too lazy to go for the sugar, you somehow manage with that sugarless cup..

On finishing,
you discover undissolved sugar crystals settled at the bottom...!

Thats how life is..!

We do not make any effort to value n find what is around or within us.

So look around.
May be the sweetness you are looking for is closer than u think..!
People are like stained glass Windows: they sparkle

and shine when the sun''s out, but when the darkness

sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is light within.
A Smile Is The Light

In Your



Tells Others


There Is A

Caring n Sharing

Person Inside . . .

Keep Smiling . . . =)


Stay Blessed