Thanks SMS Messages65 messages

in everything u do have a purpose,prepare to pursue ur
purpose with a prayer,ask 4 guidance, protection and
direction. Give Thanks 2 answered prayers, have faith
in your ability 2 succeed, be positive and never look back.
If u keep all this in ur mind u wont wrong
Thanks 2 tHosE wHo hAtEd mE,
tHey maDe mE a sTrOngeR pErson

tHX 2 tHos wHo luVd mE,
tHey maDe My hEart BigGer

tHx 2 tHos whO wOrrIed aBt mE,
tHey leT mE kNw DaT tHey aCtuaLlY CarEd

tHx 2 ThOs wHo lEft mE,
tHey sHoWed mE noT evRythnG laSts

tHx 2 thOs wHo eNtereD mY liFe,
Even Though, I Clutch
My Blanket n Growl
When The Alarm Rings
Thank You ALLAH, That
I Can Hear
There Are Many
Who Are Deaf ...

Even Though I Keep My
Eyes Closed Against
The Morning Light As
Long As Possible
Thank You ALLAH
That I Can See
Many Are Blind

Even Though, I Huddle In
My Bed n Put Off
Thank You ALLAH
That I''ve The Strenght
To Rise
There Are Many
Who Are Bedridden

Thanks ALLAH For
Blessings ...
A girl says to her boyfriend, One kiss and I"ll be yours forever. The guy says Thanks for the warning!
if i could bring back memories i would bring the first day
i kissed you i look you in the eyes and felt love.
Thanks god an angel came into my life!
At the end of da year.
Thanx to those who hated me,
they made me a stronger person.

Thanx to those who loved me,
they made my heart bigger.

Thanx to those who were worried about me,
they let me know that they cared about me.

Thanx to those who left me,
they made me realize that nothing lasts forever.

Thanx to those who entered my life never left,
they made me know who i am.
Special Thanks to all my friends,
who supp0rted me thr0ugh0ut da
year.. (:->
Be Honest n Send This To Anyone
Who Made You Smile This Year.
It May Surprise You How
Many You Get Back.
Thanks For Making Me Smile... (-,=)
Dear Teacher,
Thanks for making us what we are today.
Happy teachers Day
Thanks for being a
true mentor of our hearts.

Happy Teachers day
Teacher is a person
who always helps everybody
to get the knowledge
always stands beside the students
when they have problems.
Thanks for being my teacher.
Happy Teachers Day
"Sawat Girl Fake Punishment"

Yahoodi Propaganda Against Islam..
Can you Imagine?
After 34 Flicks the Girl Easly Stood up and Walked,
How is it Possible?
Like this more fake videos on "You-Tube"
Please Fwd this massege and save Isalam and Pakistan, And those who Beleive in this Videos..
Dear Subscriber!Good Morning!!!Ur due date to take bath for
this month is today...Please take bath by due date to avoid
khujli,dandruf..... Thanks!!!!