Simple SMS Messages149 messages

A Simple Bye Makes Us Cry,

A Simple Joke Makes Us Laugh,

A Simple Care Makes Us Fall In Love.

I Hope My Simple SMS Make U Think Of Me
Some Ppl Seem To
Walk Through Lyf Wid
A Simple Word & A Gentle
Smile For Everyone
& Everywhere They Go,
They Always Leave Warmth & Love
U R One Of Those People ... :)
"I am not a palmist to tell U where UR paths will lead U..
I am not an astrologist to tell U if UR stars will be lucky enough for U..
I am not even gud enough to take UR burden 0ver my shoulders..
I can make a Wish for U..
A Simple Wish that..
May Allah lead U to the best path..
May He bless U with the luckiest stars..
May He guide U,
protect U n help U through everything.. *Ameen*
A girl dresses up trying
to luk as pretty as possible...
Applies make-up & styles
her hair...
She wants to luk attractive...
...She goes out, comments 4rm
men flatters her...
They stare at her develop
dirty thoughts & Sum wud
want to act upon their
thoughts & some do ...
She didn''t want that Or
did she ? ?


Whn Islam advises women
to cover themselves & be
Simple, Its not without a
reason ... Islam doesn''t
limit the freedom of women
but to make them more
Independent ...
Excellent Answer To What Is Success...?

In Simple Words...

When Your


Changes To


That Is Success...!
My love for you is Simple, deep, and strong.
I feel it flowing towards you from my heart,
A tide of unsophisticated song,
Sung with much desire and little art.
I cannot tell my love, but it will show
In ways that even I cannot foresee;
A love as full as mine must overflow
Into everything that makes me, me.
Just as the sun must shine to be the sun
And trees burst forth in blossom every year,
So I must love in ways that everyone
Can see or sense or reason out or hear.
Still, I''ll tell you of my love in this:
For fear, despite all, you might my love miss.
On your knee, in the lamplight,
dipping buttered toast in your coffee,
I hear the hush of the silent house.
The other children gone off to school,
you and I sit together
alone in the dim morning light,
full of love and trust,
chattering to one another about
Simple times with unfurrowed brows.
We were so close then.
I hold that memory in my mind
like an old black and white photograph
one would carry in a wallet, worn soft
from years of riding in a back pocket,
a photo
showing the ones you love,
the most beautiful mother,
the best loved and dearest held,
the treasured one--
to be shown far from home.
It''s a human sign
When things go wrong
When the scent of her lingers
And temptation''s strong

Into the boundary
Of each married man
Sweet deceit comes calling
And negativity lands

Cold cold heart
Hard done by you
Some things look better baby
Just passing through

And it''s no sacrifice
Just a Simple word
It''s two hearts living
In two separate worlds
But it''s no sacrifice
No sacrifice
It''s no sacrifice at all
Little keys can open big locks,
Simple words can express great thoughts.
A text from u never fails to make me smile the whole day through.
Meaning of Friendship :
Frndship Requires A Lil Effort
Even When We Are Busy Wid
Our Lives
A Simple Sms
Reminds Each Other
U''re N Forgotten . . . :)
Small Anger
Silly Fights
Simple SMS''s
Serious Jokes
Sensitive Feelings
Senseless Speak
Million Sorrys

Mixture Of All The
Above Is Wh8 V Call