Rose SMS Messages144 messages

If life iz journey
i wish
u walk on "Roses "

If life iz game
i wish
u alwayz "Win"

If life is exam
i wish
u always" Pass"

If life is a river
i wish
u alwayz "SWIM"

If life is a garden
i wish
u alwayz get "FLOWERS"

if life iz LOVE
i wish
u alwayz be "MINE" @>---

A relationship is like a Rose,

How long it lasts, no one knows;

Love can erase an awful past,

Love can be yours, you''ll see at last;

To feel that love, it makes you sigh;

To have it leave, you''d rather die;

You hope you''ve found that special Rose, ''
My heart, it speaks a thousand words
I feel eternal bliss
The Roses pout their scarlet mouths
Like offering a kiss
No drop of rain, no glowing flame
Has ever been so pure
If being in love can feel like this
Then I''m in love for sure

-!- lOve nEveR diEs -!-
my eyes are blind without yur eyes t see,just like a Rose without colour,so always be in my life.....
Perfect Love Is Not Receiving
It''s Giving & Frgiving
Perfect Love Isn''t Red Roses On Valentine''s Day
It''s The Rest Of 364 Days Of Knowing U Love Someone
Perfect Love Is Nt Phone Calls & Stolen Kisses
It''s The Silent Smile In The Memory Of Ur Sweet Heart
Perfect Love Is Not A Grand wedding But Spending A Life Time Together
Perfect Love Is Not The First Kiss & Make-up
Its Loving The ONE Who Annoys The Hell Out You . . .
Love is like a bed of Roses, there are many thorns. The path to true happiness lies in learning to avoid the thorns, while enjoying the Roses.
A relationship is like a Rose,
How long it lasts, no one knows;
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you''ll see at last;
To feel that love, it makes you sigh;
To have it leave, you''d rather die;
You hope you''ve found that special Rose,
Cause you love and care for the one you chose.
– Rob Cella
Even if love is full of thorns, i''d stil
embrace it for i kno that in between those
thorns, there is a Rose that''s WORTH all the
Roses are waiting for hours,
need one touch of yours.
my life is like a Rose,
need one love dose.
flowers grows with love & sunshine,
& i''ll live till you remain mine.
Is iT PoSsIbLe FoR tHe Rose To SaY “I’lL GiVe mY fRaGnAnCe To ThE GoOd PpL wHo SmELl Me, BuT I’lL wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”
iS It PosSiBlE fOr ThE LaMp To SaY “I’lL GiVe My LiGhT tO ThE GoOd PpL In ThIs RoOm, BuT I’Ll WiThHoLd It fRoM thE EvIl PpL?”
CaN A TrEe SaY, “I’lL GiVe My ShAdE tO tHe GoOd PpL wHo ReSt UnDeR mE, bUt I’Ll wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”

ThESe ArE iMaGeS Of wHaT lOve Is AbOuT
Love Is Like Rose Bud ...

With A Lot Of Caring And Time It Grows And Grows

It''s A Long Process


In The End

It''s Beautiful =)
A Life Filled with Love

Must Have Some Thorns ...


A Life Empty Of Love

Will Have No Roses ...

Remember It