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In love never keep the condition of always ending up together. Some times wonderful Love stories continue by just being friends. . . :)
Math tells us three of the tragic Love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)
Math tells us three of the tragic Love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)

Math tells us three of the tragic Love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Who says maths is boring?!?:-)