Kiss me SMS Messages21 messages

Classic example to prove " Girls r Selfish"
When i was child,many Girls wanted to Kiss me.
I Allowed
Now i want to kiss many Girls ,but no one Allows!!:p
A Girl fell Down from 20th floor, :O

A Boy Caught Her on 15th floor,
N' Asked Her; "Will U Hug Me ??" :)
...She Replied: "Of course Not.."
...The Boy Dropped Her..:O

She was Caught
On 10th floor by another Boy,
He asked Her: "Will you Kiss me..:* ??"
"No, Not at All.." She Replied..!
He Dropped Her too..! :(

She Prayed for a Last Chance;
When a Boy Hold Her on 5th floor..:))

She Immediately Said:
"Ok I will Hug you, n' Kiss U, :* :))

The Boy Dropped Her Saying:
''Aawara kahin Ki..'' :( :O =P =D
( '' ; '' )
Kiss me
/),, /)
( ; '' )
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( '' ; )
Here /)
( * ) & here! (,,)-(,,)

You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you Kiss me,
The way you hold me tight.
I love the way you touch me,
I could be with you all night.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I just want you to know,
That even though we sometimes fight,
I will always love you!
No matter what, day or night.
Kisses blown are kisses wasted.
kisses are not kisses unless they are tasted.
kisses spread germs and germs are hated.
but you can Kiss me baby i am vaccinated
Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you Kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?"
whn u kiss a british girl she says "Kiss me softly"
whn u kiss a american girl shw says "Kiss me hardly" and
whn u kiss a paki girl she says "oai!! kisi nu dussi na"
loving you can only be compared to the sand of an ocean,
mising you with the warmth of your skin,
baby to me you mean the world,
ican"t stand without ur thing,
talk without ur lips!!!!So come and Kiss me
kisses Spread Germs.
Germs Are Hated...
Come On Baby Kiss me,
Coz I"m Vaxinated
i want to KISS u.

plz Kiss me.

jald koi B nahi hay foran karo.

jaldi karo na....


S.send karo.

so.Kiss me plz.
I want to lie with you in green pastures,
Swim with you in fresh, blue water.
I want to hold you until all times end,
I want to know you forever and be your friend.
Love me will you, this I ask,
Open up to me and take off your mask.
Kiss me, love me, my love for you never dies
Like a candle that never goes out,
My love for you burns on and on.
Please say yes as I ask you this,
Sweet angel of God, pure precious dove,
Will you marry me my love?
TaLk 2 me wHen i''m boReD,
Kiss me wHen i''m saD,
hug me wHen i cRy,
caRe 4 me wHen i diE,
loVe me When i''m sTill Alive...