Enjoy, SMS Messages6 messages

Life is a paradox whatever you want - you dont get,
Whatever you get - you don''t Enjoy,
Whatever you enjoy - is not permanent and
Whatever is permanent - is boring
Life Is A

Whatever U Want,
U Don''t Get

Whatever U Get,
U Don''t Enjoy

Whatever U Enjoy,
Is Not Permanent

Whatever Is Permanent,
Is Boring ...! :)
''L i f e''
Is not an
''i - P o d''
To listen your
Favorite Songs

It''s a
''R a d i o''
You must
''A d j u s t''
Yourself to Enjoy,
Whatever comes in it...
> Life Time ThoughT <

If U Want To Enjoy,..

Always Think Today Is The 1st Day..,

But If U Want To Achieve Something,

Always Think Today Is The Last...
Mornings are reminders that God loves you!
You"re not just given another day to Enjoy,
but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday.
Have A Nice DAY!!!
Morning are reminders that Allah loves you.
You are not just given another day to Enjoy,
a chance to right the wrong of yesterday...!!