Enemy SMS Messages33 messages

WhaT IS Emotion?????
Your Enemy falls from 7th floor on your brand new Mercedes car and you don't know whether to laugh or cry :S
The Best Thing To Give . . . ! ! !

To Ur Enemy Is Forgiveness

To An Opponent Tolaerance

To A Friend Ur Heart

To Ur Child A Good Example

To A Father Difference

To Ur Mother, Conduct That Will Maker Her Proud Of U

To UrSelf Respect

And To All Men Charity . . .
Rule To Live . . .
Be civil to all,
sociable to many,
familiar with few,
friend to one,
Enemy to none.
There r Only 2 Persons
Who Can Tell You The Truth About You ...

A Friend Who has Lost His Temper ...


A Enemy Who Starts Loving You ...
Our Khaki TIGER''s Hunt At Front Of Enemy..
White LEOPARD Are In Blood Frezing Mountains..
Our EAGLES Measurs The Hight Of Skys..
Our SALER''s Know Where Is Depth Of Black Sea..
Time Lead Us,
Our Mothers Praying Us..
Proud That We Are The SON''s Of Mother Land..
Peopel Called It DEFENCE,
We Call It LIFE.. !!

What Is, Is In Love (S6)

I’m a moth circling the light of the beloved’s face.
Give me your soul-nourishing hand, and nothing else.

If my body is cut from head to toe,
Every joint is love’s abode, and nothing else.

When the drum of “Am I not your Lord?” was beaten,
to test the friend from the Enemy,
when the Friend asked, He heard His answer:
I said the name of love, and nothing else.

(Carl’s English poetic experiment:
I said “trouble!” but that’s
love, and nothing else.)
May U May Not Get Well That Soon.

So That U Are Able To Enjoy The
Company Of The Demsels And Get Injected At Regular Intervals With
The Vial Of Life!

So Would U Call Me Your Enemy Or Ur Well Wisher?

Please Tell Me Even I Don''t Know.

These Are The Elements Of The (F-A-I-L-U-R-E) Mechanism.

These are the Enemy.
Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise

The difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer

Hate is like cancer slowly eating us away inside

Art has no Enemy but ignorance

Is D Enemy Of Efficiency,


Is The Enemy Of Utilisation.

So Don''t Delay Anything &
Don''t Wait 4 Anything

-Bill Gates

Kill me & call it
"A Mistake"

Imprison me & call it
"Security Measure"

Exile my people n masses & call it

Declare my leaders as the Enemy of our country & call it
"Quilty of Treason"

Rob my rights, invade my land, declare me as

"Terrorist" & call it

But listen, still i am PAKISTANI and will remain PAKISTANI 4ever
They Say
"You Can Win Over Your Enemy By Love"


I Say
"Love Is The Biggest Enemy Of Life When It Hurts"