Desi SMS Messages89 messages

Good Things Come To Those
Who Wait

Better Things Come To Those
Who Try

Best Things Come To Those
Who Believed

Desired Things Come To Those
Who Pray ...
Feel The Difference

A Job Is Something U Do For Money
A Career Is Something U Do Based On An Inner Desire & Motivation

"Chase Ur Passion, Not Ur Pension"
In life whn u face choices,
just toss a coin,
not coz it settles d question
While d coin is in air u''ll knw wh8 ur heart really Desires for.. (=
A Kiss is alovely trick Designed by nature,
to stop speech whaen words become superfluous.
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me.
If u save it thats bcoz u Desire me
& if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me.
So what u gonna do with It?
To love means to hope..
to cry and to learn how to forgive..
to love means to live and to feel alive.
To love means to give life to all your feelings, to give meaning to all your dreams.
To love means to see yourself from inside... to feel the depth of your existence.
To love means to appreciate the worth of purity and to admire the brilliance of simplicity.
Love has no Desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have Desires, let these be your Desires;
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
What is love?

No one can define it, its something so great, only God could Design it.

Yes, love is beyond, what man can define, for love is immortal, and God''s gift is divine.
Some times ur existence
gives hope to one person,

Your smile may be a pearl for someone,

Your presence might be the
Desire of the 1 who loves U dearly.
Love Me Without Fear
Trust Me Without Questioning
Need Me Without Demanding
Want Me Without Restrictions
Accept Me Without Change
Desire Me Without Inhibitions
For A Love So Free....
Will Never Fly Away.
Silly Thing About

When U Get ''Little'', U
Want ''More''

When U Get ''More'', U
''Desire More''


When U ''Loose'' It, U
Realize Even ''Little''
Was ''Enough''
Define Fashion Show?

"In Fashion Show,

Designer Shows Their Creation On Models,

Models Drop Their Dress

& Show God''s Creation