What is love

What is love
What is love?

No one can define it, its something so great, only God could design it.

Yes, love is beyond, what man can define, for love is immortal, and God''s gift is divine.

Jun, 12 2010     183 chars (2 sms)     2526 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

In love never keep the condition of always ending up together. Some times wonderful love stories continue by just being friends. . . :)
Lonely? no, how can I be lonely when you are always in my
thoughts. I wake up with you and go to sleep with you.
I love you!!
Every time I look into your eyes I feel like being in there
Every time I listen to your voice I feel like listening to more
Every time I take your name I feel the love towards you
Every time I think about you I feel like dreaming about you
Every time I think about myself I feel that I am incomplete
Yes, I am incomplete without your love
Fill my heart with your love, I love you, I just love you!
LUV is whn
Dere r a million thngs U wana say 2 sum1
Whn dey luk U in eyes n hold U in arms nthng in lyf ma8ers othr thn being wid th8 prsn @ th8 momnt
Love isn''t love
Until you give it away
Don''t save it for good times
Or for a rainy day

Show forth love
Each moment you live
Love is not something you keep
But something you give

Somebody needs a hug right now
So don''t put off or delay
Tell them that you love them
Because tomorrow might be too late
Thinking of you keeps me awake,

dreaming of you keeps me asleep.

being with you keeps me alive
Dont rush into falling in love

4 love never runs out.

Even if somebody asks u y ur single

Just tel dem "God" is just busy

writing d best love story 4 me.
WOrLd iS cRueL,
LoVe iS bLinD.
LoSt iN sAdnEsS,
BluR In miND.
HeArT iS bRoKeN,
fLaMe hAd DiEd.
TiMe HaS pAsSeD bUt wHy iS hE...
sTiLL nOt mInE...
Chale gaye ho dur kuch pal ke liye,
dur rehkar bhi karib ho har pal ke liye,
kaise yaad na aaye apki ek pal ke liye,
jab Dil me ho tum har pal ke liye..
It Has Been Raining Since The Day She Left Me

Every Drop Reminded Me Of Things That Happened Btw Her N Me

As I Stand Alone I Want To Know Why

My Body Is Drenched But My Heart Is Still Dry ?????
Rahye Manzal kia Saboot Don Tujhe

Jab Manzal mali to Payun mein Chaly nahen

T h e h e a r t
w a s m a d e
t o b e
B r o k e n.

|-Oscar Wilde-|