Best, SMS Messages7 messages

Happy, Happy new year!
We wish you all the Best,
Great work to reach your fondest goals,
And when you're done, sweet rest.

We Hope for your fulfillment,
Contentment, peace and more
A brigher, better new year than
You've ever had before
All The Way All The Best,
May God Bless You All That What You Want,


Which Is Best For You.

Remember Me in Your Hear & Prayers.

Keep Smiling.
“al da way al da Best, may Allah gee bless yu al dat wat yu want, & whch iz best for yu“ remember me in yurz hear & prayerz kep smiling
Attitude is a Little thing

which makes a big diffrence like..

I am not the Best,

but I am not like the rest.
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

Best Friend - Self confidence.
Best Enemy - Worrying Or Fear For Reaching The Goal.

Keep On Increasing Ur Confidence, Strive Ur Best, Just B''0coz Life Is Ur''s. . .

We lives in deeds not
In thoughts not
In feelings not on
figures over dial
He lives most ... Who
thinks most
Feels d Best, Acts d
noblest .. (:

Submited in : Todays Thought SMS

Characters : 166 | Sms Length : 2

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )
A man loves

his sweetheart the most,

his wife the Best,

but his mother the longest.