Shaitan: Sam Tmhari Duty Aj Se America
PETER Tm India
Sam: Pakstan Ksko Bhijwya Ha?
Shetan:Ksi Ki Zrorat Nai I''m Satisfd Vid Zardri''s
Prformence ;->
I travel on bike because i dont have the thing causing motion due to circular motion of rubber shafted along the rod able to track direction over the movement of pistons due to the action of carbon n hydrogen producing flames in a chamber end resulting in the irreversable reaction of energy and gas and causing the friction of rubber along the concrete pebbles.
The Most InteresTinG ThinG abouT thiS sMs is thaT by The Time U Realize That NothinG is WriTTen in iT..
iT WouLd bE Too LaTe For U To Stop Reading iT... ;->
"U-fone" Pesh Krta Hy
12 Aaney Package
Apne Un "Jazz"
Safeen k Liye Jinho''n
Ny 1st October 2008 Sy
Apni "Telenor" Sim
Istimal Nahi Ki,
Foran "Warid" Ka 100 Rs
Wala Recharge Kro
Aur Sab Keh Do ...
Mazeed Tafsilat K
Liye Apne
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0900 78601