Pathan''s Wife Bought A
Beautifl Sweater For Her
She Sent It To Him By Parcel
Along Wid A Note ... Tht Said
"d Buttons Of d Sweatr r Removd
Since They Were Too Heavy & added
To d Postage. U''ll Find ''Em
In d Rite Hand Pocket Of The
Sweater" ... ;->
Hobgoblins know the proper way to dance:
Arms akimbo, loopy legs askew,
Leaping into darkness with delight,
Lusting for the ecstasy of fright,
Open to the charm of horrors new….
~Nicholas Gordon
I Feel That Tears Are The Best Frmds . . . They Come To Accompany U When U r Really Happy
They r There When U Really Sad, NoOne Wid U . . . They r Always Wid Us