funny gud morning

funny gud morning
Sardar ki Maa Sardar Se: “Uth Ja, Wekh Sooraj Kadon da nikal Aaya Ae..” . . Sardar: “Te ki hoya Amma.. O Sonda v te Magrib ton Pellaan ae” good mornig,..hehehhehe

Dec, 04 2012     162 chars (2 sms)     3229 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

At times one loses everything, it only means that things shall recommence shortly with more life, more love, more devotion, more intensity, with more hope . . .
Hope of a new tomorrow to fill the pits created by yesterday.

Gud Morning


Have A Blessed Life
Grass Is Shining With Morning Dew

Making The Day So Fresh And New

Hope The Joy Comes To Your Way

Best Wishes For The New Day

Gud Morning


Have A Pleasant Day =)
De smile is like simcard & life is like cell phone,wen u insert
de simcard of a smile a beautiful day is activated.keep
smiling ...gud morning
O_ffers Us

M_ake Us
O_bidient &
R_eady For
N_ew Day 2
N_ew Aim For The
G_lory Of Life

Have A Blessed Day (:
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise
give us, one day more to hope! So, hope for the best. Good Day
& Good Luck!
Hi, I dont have any special message to wish you good morning
but you are my special friend so normal wish to you become a
special wish from my side, good morning and have a great day
God unfolds each day like the petals of a rose, each gentle touch a beauty to behold.
Hope each of your moments today be so held with His tender loving care.
P e o p l e
D o n '' t
N o t i c e
W h e t h e r
I t '' s
o r
W h e n
T h e y
A r e
H a p p y ...

G o_O d
M o R n I n G (=
Why Wish For
The Privilege Of Living
Your Past Left Again ??
You Can Begin A New
One Every Morning ...

~ Stay Blessed ~ :)
When You Speak From Your Heart

And Say The Words Your Soul Has Only

Dared To Whisper,

That''s When Miracles Happen !!

So, Believe In Yourself

Good Morning
See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B"coz last night
I told them to wish U G@@D Morning.
Don't be upset and get caught up with things
people that cannot change.
Instead, move on,
let go and focus on what you are able to change.
The things that enhance your life.
You deserve to be happy.
Good Morning