M: My lovely wife. I: Is i am wrong in my sms? S: Sex is not only thing in the life. S: See, we have everything in our life you, me & our kids & good salaries and home also.
Y: You are everyting to me, my life my wife my jaan. O: Our life is just a good enough for us. Alhumdullah. U: U are the lucky one in my world… gave me our sweet family.
Apr, 15 2012
355 chars (3 sms)
Miss You
when i close my eyes before sleeping i watch u in the dark, When im sleeping i watch u in my dreams, When i open my eyes i found u before my eyes..And then I start Missing u for all the Day...
Just Wondering..!
Would U Smile At Me If I Smile At U..?
Would U Say Hello If I Greet U..?
Would U Talk 2 Me If I Talk 2 U..?
Would U Add "Too" If I Tell U "I Miss U"..?
My Silence doesn't mean I'm gone. My quietness doesn't mean I'm dead. But deep in my heart, anywhere &anytime, u r always remembered,cared, loved & missed.
Difficult to tell that what Loving is like. Impossible to tell what Missing is like. May you never Miss whom you Love and May whom you Love Miss you always.!.
Though I don''t write
or call you
as often as I would like to
I spend time every day
thinking about you
Sometimes it is
a memory of something we shared
Other times it is
an incident in my life
that I imagine myself
telling you about
No matter what it is
in my mind
I write and call you every day
and I miss you
What shall I do with all the days and hours
That must be counted ere I see thy face?
How shall I charm the interval that lowers
Between this time and that sweet time of grace?