Never break 4 things

Never break 4 things
Never break 4 things in your life:







when they break they don''t make noise


pains A LOT...

Jun, 19 2010     171 chars (2 sms)     1879 views       Decent

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Invite Allah Into The Chemistry of Life.

He''ll Dilute your Sorrows,

Evaporate your Worries,

Filter your Mistakes


Leave you with Crystals of Happiness!

Words Are The Most Powerfull Thing In The Universe . . .
They Are The Containers Which Contain
Faith Or Fear
& They Produced It After Their Kinf . . .
So Think Before U Leap
Which Is The Biggest Thing In The World?




Dont Know?
My Big Heart Which Sends U This SMS!
When u feel God is rubbing u against the rocks,

don''t think that u''ll ruin down to dust,

it''s just that he is polishing a gem, coz u are precious!
If u wait to b happy, you will wait forever, but if you start to b happy,

you will be happy forever!
Gate Of Memories Wil Never Close,
How Much We Miss Our Friends Nobody Knows,
Days Will Pass Like Years,
We Will Remember The Memories In
Silent Tears,
The Most Wasted

Day In Life Is

The Day In

Which We Have

Not Laughed.

-Charlie Chaplin..
Its Just Meaningless In Expecting
Anyone To Be Of Your Kind,
You Cannot Hold Their Right
Hand In Your Right Hand To Walk Together ... (=
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great."
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.
People Are Not Beautiful

As They Look
As They Walk
As They Talk

People Are Beautiful

As They Sincere
As They Care
As They Remember ... (:

Bas Aik Dua Hai Meri Apnay Khuda Say
Agah Rakhay Har Pal Mujhay Apni Saza Say
Mit''ti Hai To Mit Jaye Ye Hasti Meri
Par Dil Na Dukhay Kisi Ka Meri Waja Say