The Fact ...

The Fact ...
The Fact ... !!!

The Public Have An
Insatiable Curiosity

To Know Everything


What Is Worth
Knowing ... ;->

Jun, 19 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     1878 views       Decent

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In ‘The Universal Bank of God'', God stores his blessings & deposited 365 days full of love, faith & happiness for you. So, Enjoy spending.
Life is Library.
Love. is Temporary.
God is Great.
Life. is sweet.
Yestrday is Waste.
Today is Best..
Tomorow is Taste.
So Enjoy evryday..
You can kiss Your "Family & Frnds" good-bye
Put miles b/w You,
But at the same time
You carry Them with You
in Your heart, mind & stomach,
"You don''t just live in a world but a world lives in You" =)
Tere ghum me tarap kar mar jayengay,

mar gye to tera nam lejayengay,

rishwat de k tujhe b uper bulayengay,

tm uper ao gay to 7 beth k kurkure khayen gay;-)
Doesn''t Empty
Tomorrow''s Sorrow,
It Empties
Today''s Strength.
So Don''t Worry...
Stay Happy Always...
Keep Smiling. .
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.
Before I got in touch with u,
I used to gaze at stars as they were only my friends.
But after I met u,I started believing
that stars do fall on Earth
No Shadow To Depress U . . . Only Joys To Surround U . . . Frnd To Love U & GOD Himself To Bless U. . . These R My Wishes For Today . . . Tommorow & EveryDay. . .
Never Explain Yourself To Any One. Because The Person Who Likes You Doesn''t Need It, and The Person Who Dislikes You Won''t Believe It....
The Greatest Gift

I Could Ever Give You

Would Be To See Yourself

Through My Eyez ..
Keep the smile,
Leave the tear,
Think of joy,
Forget the fear ,
Hold the laugh,
Leave the pain,
Be jouyous till i sms again
Wh8z true but unfair
"Ur presence"

Wh8z real but invisible
"Ur Care"

Wh8z sweet but naughty
"Ur Smile"

Wh8z precious but priceless
"Ur company" ... :)