Time is too slow 4 those who wait, too swift 4 those who fear, too long 4 those who grieve, too short 4 those rejoice but 4 those who have true friend like u time is eternity.
When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we dont see which one has been opened for us..
You can kiss Your "Family & Frnds" good-bye
Put miles b/w You,
But at the same time
You carry Them with You
in Your heart, mind & stomach,
"You don''t just live in a world but a world lives in You" =)
Well wisher is not who greets you daily &
Talks to you daily.
Well wisher is one who may or may not meet you
But always think of you &
Prays to God for your happiness !!