Never believe what

Never believe what
"Never believe what the lines of your hand predict about your future, because people who don''t have hands also have a future.
Believe in your Allah & yourself:"

Jun, 19 2010     163 chars (2 sms)     1884 views       Decent

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Wudn''T It B N!xE....

If WhEnEvEr We

MeSsEd Up OuR


We CuD S!mP|y




StArT A|| OvEr..... :-|
Words Are The Most Powerfull Thing In The Universe . . .
They Are The Containers Which Contain
Faith Or Fear
& They Produced It After Their Kinf . . .
So Think Before U Leap
Dunia main 2 Log he Haseen 0r Zaheen HaiN

1.WO Jis ka MsG ap Parh rahy hAin


2.wo Jis ne Ye SmS ap ko bhAijhA hY
If I can only touch the RAINBOW

I will write YOUR NAME on top of it

To let the PEOPLE know

How COLORFUL is my LIFE to have a PERSON like U ... (:
sometimes ALLAH upsets ur plans to set up his own plans..
ALLAH''s plans r perfect.
So never get upset wen ur plans get upset

Have faith in ALLAH

Life is like having a cup of coffee...

You sit by the window,
lift the cup,
take a careless sip,
and find no sugar..

Too lazy to go for the sugar, you somehow manage with that sugarless cup..

On finishing,
you discover undissolved sugar crystals settled at the bottom...!

Thats how life is..!

We do not make any effort to value n find what is around or within us.

So look around.
May be the sweetness you are looking for is closer than u think..!
As yOu grOw Older, yOu will discOver
that yOu have twO hands,
One fOr helping yOurself,
the Other fOr helping Others.
If You Cannot Be A Pencil To Write Anyone''s Happiness


Try At least To be A Nice Eraser To Erase Everyone''s Sorrows . . .
Tujhe baaho me barkar kitna pyaar kiya tha,

Kya yaad tujhe hai tune ikraar kiya tha,

Kitni raate hamne saath-saath gujaari thi,

Aur maine tujhe choom-choom kar bekraar kiya tha.
Truth ...

Love & Hatred Though Opposite In


Have A Common Factor In It

The Person Alwayz Lingerz In Ur Mind

For Whom

U have Either Of The Feeling
Plant the seed of desire in your mind
it forms
a nucleus with power to attract to itself......
everything needed for its full-fill-ment....
Some of the best moments in life:-
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside...
Thinking about the person you love...
A long drive on a calm road...
Finding money in your old jeans just when you need it...
Giggling over silly jokes...
Holding hands with a friend...
Getting a hug from someone who loves u...
The moment your eyes fill with tears after a big laugh...
Wishing you these moments in your life always..!