duniya kehti ha

duniya kehti ha
duniya kehti hai jise main chahta hon
wo chand ka ik tukra hay
per ham kehty hain hum jise chahte hain
chand uska ek tukra hai

Jun, 17 2010     130 chars (1 sms)     2031 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages


Is Like Sound Health

The Value Of It

Is Seldom Known


It be Lost ....
Dil ki dard ko dil tornay wali kaya janai
Pyar ki rawajo ko yai zamanai walai kaya janai
hutai kitnai takleef qabar mai
upper sai pool rakhnai walai kaya janai
Good FRIENDS Care For Each Other..
Close Friends
Understand Each Other...
And TRUE Friends Stay
Beyond Words,
Beyond Time...**
FrIeNdShIp . . .

Is cErTaInLy

ThE fInEsT bAlM

FoR tHe PaNgS oF

DiSaPpOiNtEd LoVe ... =)
Even if ur sms is not coming,

I think U r sendng sms

but its not delivered.

Even if U r not calling,

I think U r trying

but the network is jammed.

Bcos, Believing is most important in fndshp.
Friendship is vast like Universe,
deep like Ocean, high like Sky,
strong like Iron, kind like Mother,
cute like Me, and sweet like U!

Friendship iz a language spoken by Heart
not written on paper,not given by pledge
it''s a promise renewed every time we contact
All love that has not


For Its Base,

iS LikE A

Mansion Built

Upon ThE SanD.
Never keep your good friends in your eyes
They may fall as tears from your eyes
Always place them in your heart
So that every heart-beat remind you
I''m Not A Clock Dat Can SMS U 24Hrs A Day . . .


My Heart Will B Like A Clock That Will Non-Stop Care n Pray For A Special Friend Like
YoU :)
Sab Ne Kaha
Dosti Ek Dard Hai,
Ham Ne Kaha
Dard Kabool Hai,
Sab Ne Kaha
Is Dard K Sath G Nahi Paoge,
Hum Ne Kaha
Teri Dosti K Sath Marna Kabool Hai
FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn"T Be BoUgHt
Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS
FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~!