Old Friends Are GOLD

Old Friends Are GOLD
Old Friends Are GOLD . . . New Frndz May Be DIAMOND . . .
Don''t Ever Forget The GOLD
To Hold A "DIAMOND" U Alwayz
Need A Base Of "GOLD". . . :->

Jun, 17 2010     165 chars (2 sms)     8371 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it.
If someone comes for help, be a true friend !
Sumtyms In Lyf

U Find A Special Frend

Sum1 Who Changes Ur Lyf

Just By Being Part Of It

Sum1 Who Makes U Laugh

Until U Can''t Stop

Sum1 Who Makes U Believe

That There Really Is
Good In d World

Sum1 Who Convinces U

That There Really Is
An Unlocked Door

Just W8ing 4 U 2 Open It ... (=
Friendship is vast like Universe,
deep like Ocean, high like Sky,
strong like Iron, kind like Mother,
cute like Me, and sweet like U!
Please Fill Honestly...

*) Cheezain Jo Ap Meri Kabhi Na Bhool Sako


*) 3 Name Jis Se Tum Mujhe Bulao


*)3 Alfaz Mere Liye
YOU know..?

What''s d Best thing about our Friendship.. ?

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

It''s d FIRST word of this Message..;-)
Friends should be like zero''s. When you add, they are the same. When u subtract, they are again the same but when u try to divide, they become INFINITY.
a frnd is sweet when it is newooo

it is sweter when it is youoooo
Wafa Ka Nam too Sub Bhartay hain iss Dunia Main Sub Lakin!!!!

Wafa Kan nam per mit kar Dikhana Kiss koo ata hay!!!!

D: Dastak Bhee Na Day
O: Or Apna Bana Lay
S: Sari Zindagi joo sath Day
T: Taaluk bila Lalach Rakhy
I: Isssi rishtay Jo Dosti Kehtay hain janab!!!!
Is A gIfT,
tHaT iS fAiR iN aLl tHiNgZ.
iT rOoTs FrOm OnE''s HeArT
iNvOlVeS mEmOrIeS
tHaT sTaY nOt
FoR a WhIlE
FoR a LiFeTiMe ... -,-
Aap ki dosti ki ek najar chahiye,
dil hai beghar usko ek ghar chahiye,
saath chalte rahna ai dost,
ye dosti hame umar bhar chahiye.
Friends are a promise made in the heart.. Silent.. Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance... Unchangeable by time. It''s lovely to have u as one!
F-Free frm all formality
R-Right 2say anything
I-In Anyway
E-Either Good &Bay
N-No Soory No Thanks
D- Dantna Pitna Allowed.OK