When a Girl Accepts Your Friend
it means she accepted Your
"Friendship" Not Your "Proposal"..
When a Girl sends you a Friend
Request it means She wants to be your Friend
not Your Girlfriend.
When She Tag you
it means she wants to share her
Thoughts with You
'n not that She's Lost in Your Thoughts..
When she comments on Your status
it means She's just being Social 'n not
When She Like Your comment
it means She like Your Comment not You. !
Time and distance are important between friends.
When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever.
I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart!
La$t night I $ent an angel 2 watch over u
while u were $leeping but it came back early!
$o I a$ked it why?
It $aid that angel$ don"t watch over other angel$....!
Friends are like Colour Pencils..
They colour our lives,
I may not b your favourite colour,
But hope u''ll need me some where 2 complete your Picture....