Friendship is not a

Friendship is not a
Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say, It doesn''t start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday.

Jun, 17 2010     150 chars (1 sms)     2015 views       Friendship

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Never abandon old friends. They are hard 2 replace.
Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER.
Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER.
You insult me? I can handle it.

You insult my best friend? You die

No one insults my friend more than me.
Kafi waqt laga hume aap tak aane me,

Kafi fariyad ki khuda se aapko pane me.

Yu dil tod ke mat jaiyega,

Humne to umar gujar di aap jaisa Dost pane me.
KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one.
U sacrifice A lot To keep them.
I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u...
tbut in my HEART I swear I"m keeping U..
A truly toching frnd understands wen u say im sad,
forgives wen u say im sorry,
feels hapy wen u say i luv u,
smiles wen u say i mis u.
but dies wen u say forget me
Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation,
a cup of coffee or a funny story.
It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself.
FRIENDSHIP is medicine For any kind of pain But Be sure dat Therz no medicine in de world for d pain given by FRIENDSHIP!
Best day aaj, best gift zindagi,
best eahsaas khushi,
best feeling pyar,
best relationship dosti,
best person hum,
best friend tum hum tum
F” is for Fun That friends share when they are


”R” is for Reliability A true friend is someone that you can

rely on.

”I” is for Interest Someone who is genuinely interested in

your fears, joys, and life.

”E” is for Energy They pick you up when you are down,

and give
you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.

”N” is for Nothing Nothing is ever too much, no matter

what time
it is, night or day.

”D” is for Distance Although the miles may separate you, a

friend is never far away.

”S” is for Secrets Your feelings and personal/private

that you can only share with a friend.
Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P
Fun…………That friends share when they are together.
Reliability….A true friend is someone that you can always rely on.
Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in u,ur fears, joys, and life.
Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time it is, night or day.
Distance…….Although the miles may separate you, a true friend is never far away.
Secrets……..Your feelings and personal/private thoughts that you can only share with a friend.
Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.
Inseparable….Through good times and bad, tears and laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
Perfect……..The friendship
In The Sweetness Of Friendship

Let There Be Laughter


Sharing Pleasures ... [=
Sacrifice Is Greter Than Love
Character Is Greater Than Beauty
Humanity Is Greater Than Wealth
But Nothing Is Greater Than A Sincere Friend