The loveliest day

The loveliest day
The loveliest day comes when u wakeup each day & find out that luv still colours ur world through friends, who truly care & never fail to remember.

Jun, 17 2010     148 chars (1 sms)     2100 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

A is 1
B is 2
C is 3
Z is 26 then
Interesting hai naa...
Friendship is twice stronger than Love...
What Is The Height Of Frustration?

U Want Ans


I Dont Know
muskra kar hum jee jathe hain. laiken zeher ka piyla pee jathe hain.
jaan se bhi ziyada pyaar karthe hain ke marthe marthe bhi hum jee jathe hain
Zarori nahi doston mein baat hoti rahy, Zarori nahi doston ki mulaqat hoti rahy, Zarori hai bus itna........ Dost jaha bhi rahy, Usy humrai dosti ki yaad aati rahy
Lips Dont Join When You Say
L O V E,

That Is a Sign Of Distance .

But When You Say

Lips Join,

That Is a Sign Of Togetherness.
Freindship happens inside the heart, Slient.. Unwritten.. Unnbreakable by distance..Unchangeable by time.. Once a Friend, always a Freind.!
~D e d i c a t e d~

I find my hands full of Friends
I want to hold ''em tight as I fear losing ''em,
Then I laugh,
When I realize that they are the ones holding me....
Thanks for being there for me...=)
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky
ever leave u when u dont shine.
Zindagi kisi ki mohtaj nai hoti
dosti sirf jazbat nai hoti ,
kuch to khayal aaya hoga khuda ko tumhari bhalai ka
warna yu hi aapki humse mulakat nai hoti.
A False Friend
Sends The Pain In To
Your Heart & Laves It There...


A True Friend
Will Send The Pain
Below & Kick It Out...
Forever ... =]
hAr mAjBoRi Se

lArNa SiKh lO . .

hAr gHuM k SaTh

jEeNa sIKh Lo . .

'' BUSY '' hUm BhI kAm NaI

pAs hAmArI tArHa . .

DoStO kO yAaD kArNa

sIkH lO . .
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF
gOoD aNd SiNcErE fRiEnDs
In OuR lIvEs Is LiKe
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF hEaRtBeAtS !
ThEy ArE nOt ViSiBlE,
ThEy SiLeNtLy SuPpOrT oUr LiFe... [=