
Friendship... is not something you learn in school.

But if you haven''t learned the meaning of friendship,

you really haven''t learned anything

Jun, 16 2010     150 chars (1 sms)     1983 views       Friendship

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My Everything Friend

You magnify my happiness
When I am feeling glad
You help to heal my injured heart
Whenever I am sad

You’re such a pleasure in my life
I hope that you can see
How meaningful your friendship is
You’re a total joy to me
The minds of 2 friends r like the
lines of railway track they may not meet but has 2 go 2gether
2 save the derailment of train called
Making Friends Is Not Abt

Collecting Pearls Or Diamonds!

Its Abt Accepting One As Coal

N Wait Til D Warmth

Of Frndship

Turns It To Diamond.
friendship is a gift when it is new..
it"s a miracle when it is true..

but u know wat?

it"s a blessing when it is you(",).
LIFE Becomes LIE
If "F" Is Missed

"F" Denotes



I''m Happy To Say That
Till I Have FRIEND Like U ... =)
True Frendship Doesnt Alwayz Come When Da Talk B/w 2 People Is Frequent
It Comz When Da Silence B/w Dem Is Comfortable
If you are alone, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder; if you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow; if you need to be happpy, I’ll be your smile… but anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.
If U Trust Sum1,

Trust Till The End;

Whatever The Results May Be"

In The End Either U'll Have A Very

Good Relation

Or A Very Good Lesson....
A Lover gives Love...

A Father gives Protection.. .

A Mother gives Life...

but A Real Friend gives

'' nice girls Cell No.''

That is frndship...

Now its a gud chance 2

prove your frnship.. ;)
Tumhara Bahtrin Dost wo ha k jab tum Gharib ho jao wo tum se Mohabbat kam na kary.

Aur jab tum Dulatmand hojao tu wo apni Mohabbat zayida na kary.
Friend Is An Evergreen Relation

Which Never Thinks

Y We r Friends,

But Wen 2 Friends Miss

Each Other Their Heart

Feels Something Is Missing
For me U r as... Chees 4 pizza.. passport 4 visa...
butter 4 bread.. ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake...
water 4 lake.. leaf 4 tree..
a FRIEND like u is 4 ever 4 me..!!