I Value Ma Friends

I Value Ma Friends
"I Value Ma Friends

More Than I Value
My Life.

So When I Say

U R My Friend,

It''s Just As Gud

As Saying U R My Life".!

Jun, 16 2010     135 chars (1 sms)     1944 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Ajnabi galeyon se hum guzra nahi karte,
Dard-e-dil liya aur diya nahi karte,
ya dosti ka rishta sirf tum se hai,
warna itnay SMS kise ko kiya nahi karte
The Day You Came In My Life,
I Felt You As My Best 0ne.
I Judged You Not By Your Beauty or
Because I Felt You As My 0wn. Be With Me Forever.. !
FRNDSHIP Is Not History

To Forget,

Not Maths To Calculate,

Not A Laguage To Learn.

Its Only The

Chemistry That

Reacts Between 2 Hearts..
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont
you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky
ever leave u when u dont shine
A friend is like gas blown from the ass,
which creates noise n nuisance to others
but gives me a great comfort.
Thanks for being gas of my ass.
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides it''s evils; strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF
gOoD n SiNcErE
In oUr LiVeS
iS lIkE
tHe ImPoRtAnCe Of
ThEy aRe NoT vIsIbLe
tHeY sIlEnTlY sUpPoRt
OuR lIfE ... (:
a friend thinks its

A friend thinks its over when you have a fight...

while a ''''Best Friend'''' thinks the friendship started when you have a fight :)
True frnds see u through,

believe in things u wanna do,

feel glad when ur dreams come true

Above all, they simply like u coz

"U r U"
Yaade hoti hai satane ke liye,
koi ruthta hai fir maan jane ke liye,
dost banana koi mushkil to nahi,
bus jaan tak chali jati hai use nibhane ke liye
[email protected]
Dil ki dard ko dil tornay wali kaya janai
Pyar ki rawajo ko yai zamanai walai kaya janai
hutai kitnai takleef qabar mai
upper sai pool rakhnai walai kaya janai
love start
grows with
ends with
start with
grow with
ends with death