Nobody grows old I

Nobody grows old I
Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

Jun, 15 2010     163 chars (2 sms)     2313 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Dere''s A Luxury In
Whn V Blame
V Feel Dath No One Else
Has A Rite 2 Blame Us.
Its d Confession, Not
The Priest, Dat Gives
Us Absoluti
You [a disciple],

shall I teach you about knowledge?

What you know, you know,

what you don''t know,

you don''t know. This is true wisdom.

Always In People

Who o Through



You Learn

What Is

"L.i.f.e" ...
We always spend our lives thinking that what we deserve from others, so mostly our relations got hurt,

lets spend our lives thinking

"What others deserv from us"

this will make our lives too much easier to spend. Try it
Never despise life''s fiery trials.
They are God''s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.
And more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.
Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world''s phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again.
Life Is Meant To Be Lived In
Eternal Joy,
Infinite Freedom,
Unconditional Love
Unbounded Awareness
Anything Less Is Utterly Missing
The Points Of Being Born
A Human ....
Don''t Accept Others
Definition Of Life..
Its Your Life,
Define It Yourself, The
Way U Love It To Be,
Be Yourself B''coz
none Knows About You
Better Than You ...
A turtle was trying hard to fly.

Each time it tried to fly the turtle fell back to the ground.

About an hour later, watching these proceedings from the end of the branch were two birds.

Mummy bird turned to Daddy bird and said:Don''t you think its time that we tell him, he was adopted? :(
Every King was once a crying baby
every great building was once a map.
It's not important where u r TODAY,
where you will reach TOMORROW is important.
life is a game of cards , u did not invent it nor did u form the rules,u hav no control overthe cards dealt to u but u r there to play
a good player even with a badband of cards will play well and emerge a winner a bad player even with best of cards will play badly and lose.
how r u playing it?
You Don''t Become A

Better Person

Because U Are Suffering;


You Become A

Better Person

Because U Have Experienced Suffering".