A man is not finished

A man is not finished
A man is not finished

when he is defeated.

He is finished when he QUITS.

So never QUIT because

winners never quit

and quitters never Win.

Jun, 15 2010     153 chars (1 sms)     1809 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

If u r PASSIONATE & HONEST ..U r bound to b kicked..
But at the same time, it dependzz..
Hw STRONG u r to tk tht knock &..
Still, MOVE ON ..!"
Think 4 It-

Nev Er

Give Up!"

Winston Churchill
There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave.

The one you practiced,
the one you gave,
and the one you wish you gave.
If you deeply hur a person who Trusts you madly,

He might forgive you but he never gather the courage to Trust you again....!
"if u want to achieve something which u have never achieved,you have to do something which u have never done"
Watch Your Thoughts; They Become Words.

Watch Your Words; They Become Actions.

Watch Your Actions; They Become Habits.

Watch Your Habits; They Become Character.

Watch Your Character; It Becomes Your Destiny.
Man''s Rise Or Fall, Success Or Failure,

Happiness Or Unhappiness Depends On His Attitude..

A Man''s Attitude Will Create

The Situation He Imagines
Wen u start ur day,
Keep 3 words in ur pocket:

TRY-4 better future
TRUE-wid ur work
TRUST-in Allah

then success will b in ur feet!
Self Respect

Can Be

A Extension

Of Your



Priceless Virtue . . .
FAce Challenges Confidently . . . Think
If I Cannot, Who Can . . .


After Winning B Humble Enuf To Say
I Can, Who Cannot . .
Throw your dreams into space like a kite,

and you do not know what it will bring back,

a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
I Have Not Failed.

I''ve Just Found 10,000

Ways That

Won''t Work-

Thomas Alva Edison