The moment of

The moment of
The moment of enlightenment is when a person''s dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities

Jun, 15 2010     103 chars (1 sms)     1806 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.

That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”
A prson askd an
"How do i get d Best out
of Lyf?"
Intellectual answrd:
"Face Ur Past widout
Handle Ur Present wid
Prepare 4 d Future
Widout fear"
Thn He added,
"Keep d Faith & drop d
Dnt Believe Ur Doubts
& nvr Doubts Ur
Lyf is Wondrful If U
Knw how 2 Live" (:
Waiting For Opportunity Is Lazines
Missing Opportunity Is Foolishnes
Creating Opportunity Is Inteligence
" You Are A Creator"
Be A Champiom
LIFE Is The Art Of DRAWING Without Eraser.


Be Careful While Taking Any Small Decision
About Valuable Pages Of Life.
Failure Is The


To Begin Again


More Intelligently

This Time ...
Log sirf yeh hee kyun kehtey hein k aankh sey aansoo nikal rahey hein,

Kya dil kabhi nahee roya?

Agar roya hai to log dil ko kyun bhool jatey hein
If We Have No Peace,

It Is Because We

Have Forgotten That

We Belong To Each Other.

~Mother Teresa~
Whenever U r In
Conflict Wit Someone,
There''s One Factor
That Can Make The
Difference Between
Damaging Ur
Relationship &
Deepening It.
The Factor Is
Always think positive.. Expect less..Be happy.. stop not till goal is achieved.. Definitely all the years ahead you will spend happily !!
Speech By
Bryan Dyson
(CEO Coca Cola)

"Imagine life as a game
in which you r juggling
some 5 balls in the air
You name ''em
"Work, Family, Health,
Friends n Spirit"
You r keeping all of
these in the air

You''ll soon understand
Work is rubber ball

If you drop it, it''ll bounce


The Other 4 balls
"Family, Health, Friends
& Spirit"
r made of glass
If you drop 1 of these,
they will b irrecoverably
D o n ’ t
W i s h
I t
W a s
E a s i e r,
R a t h e r
W i s h
Y o u
W e r e
B e t t e r . . . =)
Billboard on the side of the road:

"Keep your eyes on the road

and stop reading these boards"...!