Love is an untamed force..when we try to control it , it destroys us, when we try to imprison it , it enslaves us and when we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused
There are millions of people
But no one is like you
I feel such deep feelings
Because I LOVE YOU
No one in this world has such grace
No one is so able to fill your place
You always know but i never say
My LOVE for you grows with every passing day
I will ForeI will Forever Lovever Love You I will Forever Care,
I will Forever live my life Wishing you Were There,
and as for long as I live I will never walk away,
A Loving Relationship Is One
In Which The Loved One Is Free To Be Himself -
To Laugh With Me, But Never At Me;
To Cry With Me,
But Never Because Of Me;
To Love Life, To Love Himself,
To Love Being Loved.
Such A Relationship Is Based Upon
Freedom And Can Never
Grow In A Jealous Heart.
All love at first, like generous wine,
Ferments and frets until ‘tis fine;
But when ‘tis settled on the lee,
And from th’ impurer matter free,
Become the richer still the older,
And proves the pleasanter the colder.