sumtymz itz harder 2 say ''no"
wen i really mean yes
sumtyms itz harder to close eyes
wen i really want to c. ..
but d hardest moment is to let go sumone
wen i really want him to stay.. .. : (
When you walked
Into my life
Everything changed
What was stressed
Was then calm
What was confused
Was then clear
When you walked
Into my life
Everything changed
When you leapt
Into my heart
Everything changed
What was dull
Was then vibrant
What was drained
Was then brimming
When you leapt
Into my heart
Everything changed
Everything brightened
Everything shined
Everything glimmered
Everything glowed
Everything fluttered
Everything soared
Everything sighed
As loneliness died
What was frosted
Was then thawed
What was jaded
Was then fresh
When you slid
Into my arms
Everything changed
You''re the shoulder I lean on,
the hand that I hold,
The eyes with the message
That never grows old,
The smile that is part of
Each warm memory -
You''re everything special
That means love to me.
YoU cAn ShOw Me ThE wAy
GiVe Me A sUnNy DaY
WhAt DoEs It MeAnS wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn TrAvEl FaR
If I cAn ToUcH tHe StArS
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE bEeN wItHoUt YoUr LoVe
If I cAn FlY aWaY
If I cAn SaIl ToDaY
WhErE wOuLd I hAvE gOnE wItHoUt yOuR lOvE..
If i were to describe true love than i wud describe it as what
a snowman did to a snow woman, he gave her a warm hug and they
both melted in each others arms...