1. Whats Best In Me?
2. Whats Bad In Me?
3. Whats My Name In Your Cell?
4. I Am Your?
5. I Am Just Like A?
6. What You Wich For Me?
The people who make it don''t want it. The people who buy it don''t use it. The people who use it don''t know it. What is it?
The Answer:
A coffin: The people who make it aren''t going to want a coffin and the people who buy it don''t use it on their self. The people who use it don''t know it because they''re dead
I am 5 letter word,
If all the 5 letters are available I am a talent in you,
If you remove my first letter I will die,
if you remove my first 2 letters I will be sick.
Who am I