6 facts of the world Fact 1: You cannot touch all your teeth with your tongue; Fact 2: After reading the first fact, all fools try it. Fact 3: Fact 1 is false Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.......... ........ Fact 4: Now u are laughing !!! bcoz u became a fool !!! Fact 5: you want to fool ur friends also.. so u want to forward this as soon as u read this completely.. .. Fact 6 : successfully you are fooled... so forward this to fool others.. go on! :)Z
Officer: Soldier, do
you have change for
a dollar?
Soldier: Sure, buddy.
Officer: That''s no way to
address an officer! Now let''s try it again.
Soldier, do you have
change for a dollar?
Soldier: No, SIR ;->